Lightning eMotors vehicles

Notice of Annual Meeting of Stockholders

Dear Stockholders:

You are cordially invited to attend the Annual Meeting of Stockholders of Lightning eMotors, Inc., a Delaware corporation. The meeting will be held on Thursday, October 7, 2021 at 9:00 a.m. Mountain Time. As a health precaution in light of the coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic, we are holding a virtual-only meeting. Stockholders can attend the meeting via the Internet at by using the 16-digit control number that appears on your proxy card (printed in the box and marked by the arrow) and the instructions that accompanied your Proxy Materials.

The Annual Meeting will be held for the following purposes:

  1. To elect the three nominees for director named herein to serve as Class I directors to hold office until the 2024 Annual Meeting of Stockholders or until their respective successors are duly elected and qualified.
  2. To ratify the selection by the Audit Committee of our Board of Directors of Grant Thornton LLP as our independent registered public accounting firm for our fiscal year ending December 31, 2021.
  3. To conduct any other business properly brought before the meeting or any adjournment or postponement thereof.

These items of business are more fully described in the accompanying proxy statement. We are providing this proxy statement, accompanying proxy card and an annual report for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2020 (the ‘‘Proxy Materials’’) to our stockholders in connection with our Annual Meeting.

We intend to mail the Proxy Materials on or about September 1, 2021 to our stockholders of record as of the close of business on August 23, 2021.

Timothy Reeser
Chief Executive Officer
Loveland, Colorado
September 1, 2021

You are cordially invited to attend the virtual meeting via the internet. Whether or not you expect to attend the meeting, please vote by proxy over the telephone or through the internet, or by completing, dating, signing and returning the proxy card that is included in these materials, as promptly as possible in order to ensure your representation at the meeting. Even if you have voted by proxy, you may still vote at the virtual meeting. Please note, however, that if your shares are held through a broker, bank or other nominee and you wish to vote at the meeting, you must obtain a 16-digit control number from your nominee.
2021 Proxy Statement


2020 Annual Report